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Friday, March 29, 2013

Sammy the Seal's Balancing Act - A Flannel Friday

Salutations everyone! This Flannel Friday posting is brought to you by an It's A Circus! storytime that I did last month (an outline of that is in the works). This is a really simple flannel activity to do, which something that I love and do very often because it is always fun and just works on the children's fine motor skills. 

To make my little Sammy the Seal I found a printable online and enlarged it (he's approximately 8 inches across). For the collar I simply created a half circle with squiggly edges and I added squiggly stripes for some flair. As for his different colored balancing balls, I used a die cut that my library has on hand. 

During the storytime, I placed the first ball on Sammy's nose as the example. Then the children (both Toddlers and Preschoolers) took turns placing the balls on top of each other. One thing you have to remember, especially if you have a lot of children in your program, to place Sammy at the bottom of your flannel board (I have an easel type, by the way) so that you have enough room for a very tall column of balls! The children loved this simple flannel activity that tied into the uber fun theme for the day!  

Have a wonderful Easter weekend everyone!

This week's Flannel Friday round-up is hosted by Mollie on her blog What Happens in Storytime.... To learn more about Flannel Friday and ways to get involved, please visit the official Flannel Friday blog!


  1. Oooohhhh, I want to add this activity to my circus folder!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love this! Thanks for sharing. My toddlers/preschoolers love adding things to my flannel board.

  3. I love this!! I'll have to do it during the holidays when storytimes slow down. It's beautiful.

  4. I love this set but I am curious if anyone has a story or rhyme to go with it?

    Great job though!

  5. Very cute and I would love a rhyme or story to go with it too. In the meantime I will use my old standby to the tune of Frere Jacques
    Sammy Seal, Sammy Seal
    Balances Balls, Balances Balls
    Who has a Red one? Who has a Red one?
    Add it now. Add it now.

    This would require talking about balance ahead of time so to keep it simple, you could change the second line to something like: Needs a ball, needs a ball

    I love any activity that invites the kids to participate. I would also use this for a shape storytime. Thanks!

  6. That's a great song to sing! I'll be using it next time I pull Sammy out for his next act. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I used this last week with the song and it was a big hit. Thanks again!

  8. Awesome! I'm so glad the children liked it! This makes my day! :-)

  9. Thank you! Been trying to find something for my toddler group and this has helped so much!!


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