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Friday, March 15, 2013

Old Bear's Seasons - A Flannel Friday

Long time, no Flannel Friday post! I'm finally getting back into blogging again. Whew! Thought I'd share my Old Bear's Season flannel board that I did for my I Heart Kevin Henkes storytime I did last last year. The activity started out as a joint project between me and one of our Library Assistants, Korey. For a Library Science class she needed to plan a storytime. We decided that she would help me plan out my Kevin Henkes program since it just so happened one book option was Old Bear. Needing a flannel board, I told her that ideally we should have something with lots of pieces so that the little ones can play with it. So what you see is what we came up with!

She made one version for her to keep and I made a copy for the library. I used a lot of die cuts to create the pieces. The bear you see here is an exact copy that Korey created by hand! Wow!

For Toddler Storytime the children played with the pieces after I read the story. For Preschool Storytime, as I read the story, the children had to put appropriate season on the board.

Thank you, Korey, for being my co-creator for this flannel board!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

This week's Flannel Friday round-up is hosted by Melissa on her blog Mel's Desk. To learn more about Flannel Friday and ways to get involved, please visit the official Flannel Friday blog!

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