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Monday, June 3, 2013

Reading Comprehension - Book Club Style

Many local libraries have book clubs for children. Like with book clubs for adults, the members read a book and they discuss what they read. For more of a child friendly format a lot of times they will either read all the same title or they can read any of a select number of titles by a certain author. When they meet up for the program they'll talk about the books before they do related activities. Some clubs are just for children while others are meant for families (mother and daughter book clubs, for example)

As you may have caught on by now, book clubs are another great way to be aware of your child's reading comprehension progress!

Check out your local library system to see if they have a children's book club. This could be a in-library program or they have a virtual book club resource.

Create your own book club in the neighborhood. You can meet at home, at a community center or maybe even your library. There are a lot of resources online that will help you created your own club complete with guides.

Join a Online/Virtual Reading Club. There are many bloggers out there in the world that participate a group initiative like a Virtual Reading Club. The blog Reading Confetti has such a club. You read a book that is chosen for the month and do an activity that matches the theme. A lot of people will post their activity ideas on their own blog, but if you don't have a blog you can do so on their Facebook page. The books in at least this group are pictures, which is great for families with young readers.

Other virtual book clubs around include:
  • Al's Book Club (for those who enjoy Al Roker) - grades 4-5 
  • - grades K-5 
    • Each book that is part of the theme includes great discussion questions and other ideas and activities! 
Family Reading Club. It's a book club. It's just for the family. Not only are you getting some quality time together as a family, but you are also promoting reading and comprehension. Whether you are reading the same book or books by the same author or if you each are reading different books open up a discussion by what you are reading. It doesn't have to be deep discussions, but you all should share what you like about what you are reading and answer other simple questions. Then you should do some fun book related activities! 

Book Clubs is yet another fun way to be involved with the books you and your child are reading. The comprehension part of it comes from asking questions. However, the fun activities are extensions of the book and it created an opportunity for the children to connect what they read to something that they are doing themselves. Even if your child doesn't like to talk that's perfectly fine because they'll warm up eventually and participate in the verbal part. They'll at least enjoy the connecting activities! 

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