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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Agnes and Frankie - New Friends

There comes a time when you need a friend or two or three or more! I've been dreaming of having a Folkmanis puppet to call my own, and I finally decided that it was high time to treat myself. Perhaps that is one reason we have bad days! A recent bad week has equaled a week of treating myself!

Say "Hello" and "Howdy" to my new friends Agnes and Frankie! Aren't they sweet? Aren't they adorable? I think so!

Agnes and Frankie will hopefully make appearances at my storytimes. I think they'd go over very well with the toddlers. I am still getting acquainted with the idea of regular "special friend visits" or having a mascot at my storytimes. But I do have experience with my library's puppet mascots for the Summer Reading Program, so I know that it's only a matter of time. 

Agnes has already made her appearance in a special music video for the City. She was super excited to sing and dance with me! 

Full Name: Agnes Daisy
Story Behind the Name: Agnes is a very sensible name, which at times is a necessity. Daisy because you should always have a special, happy flower associated with your other name. 
Breed: Dutch Rabbit
Birthday: September 10
Favorite Books: What Does Bunny See by Linda Sue Park and Maggie Smith, Possum Magic by Mem Fox just to name a few. 
Favorite Activities: Tea time with friends, rollicking in a garden, playing dress-up, doing art projects 
Perhaps-Little-Known-Facts: Loves mysteries and will read the occasional Miss Marple mystery by the great Agatha Christie. She also likes stories from the Anne of Green Gable series. 

Full Name: Franklin Wilberforce - "Frankie" 
Story Behind the Name: Miss Dorothy's little brother shouted "Frankie!" when he was shown a picture of me. It was fate! Franklin is his sensible name (inspired by Benjamin Franklin) and Wilberforce is his dignified name. 
Breed: African Elephant 
Birthday: September 02
Favorite Books: Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson 
Favorite Activities: Doing art projects, practicing magic tricks, telling jokes 
Perhaps-Little-Known-Facts: Gives his friends "Trunk Kisses" with his long trunk and likes wearing stylish shirts to programs.

Hope love them as much as I do! I'm looking forward to them joining in the fun! 

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