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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Reading Comprehension - The Questions

Parents of young beginning readers ask for ideas about reading comprehension. Generally, once the child is in school their teacher/school has their own method; however, a lot of parents become quite active as well, especially during the summer when their child is out of school. I shared these questions below with a parent earlier today to help her soon-to-be 1st Grader.  

For readers who are in Kindergarten and Beyond, here are some recommended questions to ask:
  1. Who was the author and illustrator of the book?
  2. Who were the main characters in the story?
  3. Who was your favorite character and why?
  4. How did the story start?
  5. What happened in the middle of the story?
  6. What happened at the end of the story?
  7. What was the main feeling in the story (e.g. was it happy or sad) and why was this so?
  8. Where was the story set?
  9. How did the story make you feel and why?
  10. Did you learn any new words from this story? If so, what?
  11. What does the picture on the cover tell you about the story?
  12. Is the story fiction (pretend) or nonfiction (real)?
  13. Did you like/not like the story? Why?
  14. Did you learn any lessons from the story?
  15. What was the story about?

For Toddlers, you can ask beginning concept questions like:
  1. Were there food in the story? If so, what type?
  2. Were there animals in the story? If so, what type?
  3. What colors did you see in the pictures?
  4. What shapes did you see in the pictures?

You can ask these questions orally or, for the older readers, you can create a worksheet. Also, in case you are wondering, yes, you may want to be familiar with the book that you are going to ask your child about. 

For those who want some more reading comprehension ideas, check out my post about Reading Comprehension for Homeschoolers, which doesn't have to be just for homeschoolers!

If you would like some information on improving reading comprehension check out the WP-CC's page about R.A.D - Reading Aloud Daily. Reading Aloud has good benefits for comprehension!

Does anyone have other questions or recommendations to you help your reader's comprehension?

Some questions were found via: Planning With Kids 
More Questions can be found at: Wake County Public Libraries' Book Club for Kids General Book Discussion Guide.

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