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Friday, February 11, 2011

How to Make a Valentine - A Poetry Break

It's that time of year again. Pull out that construction paper, those bottles of glue and glitter (or glitter glue pens, you're choice), white paper doilies, and the all the instruments needed to create those little cards to put in someone's decorated shoe box. Yes, it is Valentine's Day is just around the bend! This poem is for those who may be shy at heart or just plain do not want to give a valentine to anyone at school. Share this poem with other fun ones to get the full range for this little day.


How to Make a Valentine - by Bobby
by Jenny Whitehead

.....................Cut one red heart,
................. ...Sprinkle sprinkles,
...................Smooth out all of the
................ ..Glue-bump wrinkles.
.............. .....Stick some stickers,
........... ............. ...Scribble,
........... ............. .Swirl swirl.
.............. .... .Give to Grandma,
.............. .... .. .Not a GIRL girl.
................... .... . (No way!)

Invite the kids to create their own poem about the process of creating their own valentine hearts or cards, and, if they are brave enough, to say who the cards are for. They could even create a secondary poem that could be the written sentiment for their recipients.

Whitehead, Jenny. 2007. Holiday Stew: A Kids Portion of Holiday and Seasonal Poems. NY: Henry Holt and Company, LLC. ISBN: 9780805077155.

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