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Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 11th: Babe Ruth's Major League Baseball Debut - A Poetry Break

On July 11, 1911, ninety-nine years ago, George Herman "Babe" Ruth was traded from the Baltimore Orioles to the Boston Red Socks, marking his debut to the Major Leagues and the beginning of his career as one of the most famous baseball players in American history. Prepare for sharing this poem by also sharing other poems from the book At the Crack of the Bat, collecting poetry books about America's favorite pastime like Lee Bennett Hopkin's Extra Innings: Babseball Poems and That Sweet Diamond by Paul Janeczko, as well as books about Babe Ruth and other great ball players.

Along Came Ruth
by Ford Frick

You Step up to the platter
And you gaze with flaming hate
At the poor benighted pitcher
As you dig in at the plate.
You watch him cut his fast ball loose,
Then swing your trusty bat
And you park one in the bleachers-
Nothing's simpler that that!

Morrison, Lillian. 1992. At the Crack of the Bat. Illus. by Steve Cieslawski. NY: Hyperion Books for Children. ISBN: 1562821768.

After sharing the poem and exploring some facts about Babe Ruth and baseball, invite the children to write their own poem, such as bio-poem, about the "Great Bambino" and the sport itself. Invite them to share what they love about baseball and if they have their own favorite player or team. For a fun snack, have cracker jacks!

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