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Friday, February 20, 2009

Major Poets and Awards: What I Love/Hate About Spring - A Poetry Break

These two poems are a must-read-together pair. Spring is the one season where everything begins to wake up and come to life again after a cold winter. Many great things come with spring; however, sometimes a great thing can also be a little problematic. Prepare for the poetry break with a collection of other poetry books that talks about the seasons, fun activities, and even the holidays that occur in the springtime. A fun example is Swing Around the Sun by Barbara Juster Esbensen. You can also write down your ideas of why you love or hate spring.

What I Love About Spring
By Douglas Florian

Trees are growing
Streams are flowing
Cool spring showers
Blooming flowers
Caterpillars creep
Peepers peep
Playing sports
Wearing shorts
April Fools’
Swimming pools
Going places
Relay races
Days are longer
Sun is stronger
Every morning songbirds sing–
I leave nearly everything!

What I Hate About Spring
By Douglas Florian

Insect swarms
Fixing screening
Pollen spores
Mud outdoors
Skinned knees
Hot and humid days in June–
I hate that spring goes by too soon.

Have the child share what they love and hate about Spring (or any season if you are sharing other poems as well). Why do they love or hate a particular thing about Spring? In addition, have them write down their love/hates in a list form (e.g. a list poem) or have them write a poem about the love/hates and have them illustrate.

These poems are from:

Florian, Douglas. 2006. Handsprings. NY: Greenwillow Books/HarperCollins Publishers. ISBN: 9780060092801.

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