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Friday, October 30, 2009

Apple Bobbing - A Poetry Break

This is a fun poem to read. Whether it's a for a Halloween party or a fall festival bobbing for apples has become a stable activity to include in the festivities. Be sure to have fun reading the poem, emphasizing the blubing sound of bobbing in the water. Encourage the kids to make the "blub" sounds too!

Apple Bobbing
By R. H. Marks

Bobbing for (blub blub) for apples
.......... for bobbing
.......... for bobbling
.......... for boppling
.......... for apples

................. in tubs

......... for bapples (blub) apples
......... for bopples
......... for blapples
......... for bouncing red abbles

................. boapples

................. (blap blub)

After sharing the poem, invite the kids to take turns bobbing for an apple. Also encourage them to share what type of sounds they hear and make when they do, like the poem illustrates.

Livingston, Myra Cohn (sel.). 1989. Halloween Poems. Illus. by Stephen Gammell. NY: Holiday House. ISBN: 0823407624.

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