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Friday, February 6, 2009

Introducing Poetry: Weekends - A Poetry Break

This poem is about being thankful for having weekends to do things other than school. Create a list of why you are thankful for the weekends, such what books you get to read or movies to watch. Also bring books, especially other poetry books, that have stories or poems that are about things that people can due on the weekend.


By Nikki Grimes

God invented weekends
and I’m thankful for that.
My weekends means less homework.
Get out the ball and bat!

Just think: fun is official
at least two days a week.
So skateboard or play video games.
Go swim or scale a peak.

I might go to a movie
or choose to sleep all day.
Whatever I decide to do,
there’s no work either way!

Weekends are worth having.
But I have one request:
Could You please lengthen them a bit?
I need six days of rest.

Invite the children to share why they are thankful for weekends. Also, ask what would they do if they if they had “six days of rest.” Another activity can be to have the children find a book or another poem about their favorite weekend activity or have then write their own poem about their favorite activity.

This poem is from:

Grimes, Nikki. 2006. Thanks A Million. Illus. by Gozbi A. Cabrera. NY: Greenwillow Books. p. 13. ISBN: 9780688172930.

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