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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Art Explorers - Picasso Portraits

This was a really fun program. I'm in love with my portrait, even though I think the eye for the blue part of the face could down a little (I just didn't want to freak the children out too much!). I love so much, in fact, that when I was taking pictures of the blog I could not find it anywhere! Panic! I eventually found it out in another pile safe and sound. Whew!

  • For children ages 6 through 12 yrs
  • Must register prior to program due to limited space. If space allows, children can walk in day off. 
  • 1 hour in length

Picasso Portraits


As I typically do, I give a brief overview of the artist's life and works of art. I had printed out a bunch of portraits (non-nude ones) to show the progression of Picasso's portrait styles.

  • Multi Medium Paper 
  • Acrylic Paint  
  • Pencil
  • Black Crayon 
I started out using a pencil to draw my portrait. It helped a lot having an example of how to make it. For example, I saw these online over at Deep Space Sparkle and Studio Sprout. Once I got the basic outline of my portrait done I went over the pencil with a black crayon. Then it was onto painting! I did my best to mix up the colors and make it appear to have two faces in one head. I gotta say that it was pretty cool! The key here is to make sure to go with the flow an it does accept that it does not have to be perfect looking! Why? Because it's so funky cool and Picasso-y!
Attendance: 16 children, 4 adults
This was one of my more popular programs. Pretty much I find when a project can potentially be very messy, it means that it's going to popular! The children did a really great job creating their portraits and painting! Love!