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Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Clock's Gone Cuckoo! - A Poetry Break

I don't know about you but Daylight Savings Time in the Spring (you know, when we have to spring forward one hour) throws me for a loop! This is an excellent poem to share with children who are learning about this time confusion (or may even be feeling it too!).


The Clock's Gone Cuckoo!
(A Daylight Savings Poem)
by Jenny Whitehead

They say we lost an hour.
I'm not sure where it went.
Our clocks are all mixed up-
My head feels like cement.

Down the stairs I stumble-
Hey, who turned on the sun?
Dad's newspaper is sideways,
His shave is halfway done.

Look! Mom's pouring cat food
In all our breakfast bowls.
My sister's twisted sweater
Has mismatched buttonholes!

Luckily, this strange time change
Starts quietly on Sunday.
Imagine what could happen
It it started on a Monday!


Ask the kids what they think of the Daylight Savings Time, and what would they think would happen if it really did start on a Monday instead of Sunday. Remember to tell them that Benjamin Franklin came up the DST concept (wouldn't you love to see what the kids responses to that will be!?). Of course, also invite the children to write a poem about what their ideas are for DST!

Whitehead, Jenny. 2007. Holiday Stew: A Kids Portion of Holiday and Seasonal Poems. NY: Henry Holt and Company, LLC. ISBN: 9780805077155.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Yes, It Was My Grandmother - A Poetry Break

March is National Women's History Month! As part of the celebration of women throughout is the ages is to reflect on those who are closest to you. This is a great poem about knowing that you share characteristics as your own grandmother who did things that were not necessarily lady-like. Share this poem with some historical pictures of cowgirls and wild horses. Remember to bring a picture of your grandmas too!


Yes, It Was My Grandmother
by Luci Tapahonso

Yes, it was my grandmother
who trained wild horses for pleasure and pay.
People knew of her, saying:
.....................She knows how to handle them
.....................Horses obey that woman.

She worked,
skirts flying hair tied securely in the wind and dust.
she rode those animals hard and was thrown,
time and time again.
She worked until they were meek
and wanting to please.
.....................She came home at dusk,
.....................tired and dusty,
.....................smelling of sweat and horses.

She couldn't cook,
my father said smiling,
your grandmother hated to cook.

.....................Oh Grandmother,
.....................who freed me from cooking,
.....................Grandmother, you must have made sure
.....................I met a man who wouldn't share the kitchen.

.....................I am small like you and not protect my careless hair
.....................from wind or rain - it tangles often,
.....................Grandma, and it is wild and untrained.

Invite ahead of time children to bring a picture or two of their grandmas to share with everyone. After sharing the poem allow everyone time to share fun facts about their own grandmas and if they think they have similar characteristics. They can do this in poetic form or just in a list. Remember you can do it too!

Hollyer, Belinda, sel. 2005. She's All That!: Poems About Girls. Illus. by Susan Hellard. Boston, Mass.: Kingfisher (Houghton Mifflin Company imprint). ISBN: 0753458527.