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Monday, August 30, 2010

August 30th: National Toasted Marshellow Day - A Poetry Break

Time to put some white fluffy goodness on a stick and toast 'em! August 30 is National Toasted Marshmallow Day. To share this poem and celebrate this confectionery delight, bring a supply of large marshmallows and other necessities to toast them and enjoy their gooey-ness!


Toasting Marshmallows
by Kristine O'Connell George

I am a careful marshmallow toaster,
a patients marshmallow roaster,
turning my stick oh-so-slowly,
taking my time, checking often.
This is art-
a time of serious reflection
as my pillowed confection
slowly reaches golden perfection.

My brother
............grabs 'em with grubby hands
.........................shoves 'em on the stick
...................................burns 'em to a crisp
................................................cools 'em off
..........................................................flicks soot
.....................................................................eats quick.

I'm still turning my stick.
He's already eaten six.

This poem is from:
George, Kristin O'Connell. 2001. Toasting Marshmallows: Camping Poems. Illus. by Kate Kiesler. NY: Calrion Books. ISBN: 061804597X.

After sharing the poem invite the children to toast their own marshmallows (with adult supervision!) over a candle flame or simply pop them into a microwave to make s'mores or straight off the stick. Ask them to share what they think of the treat and what else they could toast or roast over the campfire. Encourage them to write their response in poem form. For a fun game, see who can stack the tallest marshmallow or s'mores tower.

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